Wednesday, January 11, 2012

and so the semester is done...?!?!

I wish I was better this semester at updating this blog. I have returned to update you all on my amazing semester!

I am super excited to be starting as a docent at the Lilly Library next semester. I will be giving tours to groups of all ages visiting the library. I have been reading over all of the library's history and soon will be a Lilly expert! Did you know that the wallpaper in the Lincoln Room is a replica of the wallpaper that was in the White House? We also have the very last portrait painted of Abraham Lincoln himself. I have really fallen in love with this library and the faculty that I have had the privilege to interact with. I am so excited to be able to share my love of the Lilly with all the groups that walk through its doors.

One of my proudest moments this semester was putting up my exhibit at the Lilly for my manuscripts course. I curated an exhibit featuring the artwork of Willis Pyle. Pyle is an animator and artist who has been working since 1937 and is still painting today. What I didn't know before working with Pyle's collection was that the director of the Lilly, Breon Mitchell, is the cousin of Willis Pyle. I was able to get a more personal view point of Pyle and his life. I was more proud of this out of all the opportunities given to me this semester.

My semester starts tomorrow! So we will see what is to come it!